Every one of our bouquet’s are delivered in a box with clear glass cylinders that is super easy to keep with you during pictures. We do that so they can be easily transported and you can keep them in there between picture stops. We recommend bringing a towel / paper towels to dry off your bouquet’s before getting out to take pics. You can also reuse the glassware and bouquets as centerpieces for your tables!
Photo by: Jessica Roark with epagaFOTO
2. Keep your flowers away from extreme temperatures. Do not have your flowers close to anything too hot or too cold as it will cause your flowers to wilt faster.
3. Keep any bouquets in water until about 30 minutes before your ceremony as they will be wet and may drip water down your dress.
Photographer: Mary Kate Krause Photography
4. If you can store any boutonnieres, corsages, in a cool dark area, even in a refrigerator (towards the front, if it is toward the back it might freeze) if you can anything cold, and dark will help prolong the life of your blooms.
5. When your bouquets are not in use put them back in water, the longer the bouquets are in water the longer they will last.
Photography: Tyra Marie Photography
6.If you have any flowers that are outside in extreme heat, it is best to keep them watered and/or indoors until 30 minutes before the ceremony. (This only applies to outdoor ceremonies in 80 degree and up in full sun.)
Photography: Claire Ryser
7. If you are having a winter wedding try to not have your bouquet outside as much, as the colder temperatures can cause flowers to wilt as well. (This applies to weather that is 32 degrees and below)
8. Just remember water, cool, dark and your flowers should last the entire length you need them for!